Nature Category
{Click on Image to view full size}
• This category includes nature and wildlife. Photos
can depict all branches of natural history
including landscapes, geologic formations, weather
phenomena and any living organisms in a
natural or controlled environment.
• The story telling value of the photo is more important
than the pictorial quality, while maintaining
high technical quality.
• Human elements shall not be present except where
they are integral parts of the nature story,
e.g. a barn owl adapted to buildings or where humans
are present when depicting natural forces
l like a hurricane.
• Photos of domestic and feral animals, cultivated plants
and mounted specimens are not permitted.
• Stitched images are not permitted.
• Scientific bands, tags or radio collars on wild animals
are permitted.
• No manipulation is permitted that adds, removes or
moves any pixels. Enhancements such as
dodging and burning, and cropping is permitted.
• Entrants warrant that they adhere to the PSSA Nature
Photographer’s code of ethics and to the
value statement that “The welfare of the subject is more
important than the photograph.”
• Both B&W and Colour images accepted.
• Digital manipulation IS NOT allowed in this category.